Caio Amaral

Talking To Strangers - Book Summary

Talking to Strangers.

One thing that really surprised me was the quality of the audio production on this audiobook. Is simply incredible! From the background music to the voice actors and even people that were interviewed. Everything was flawless.

Talking to Strangers is a book from Michael Gladwell, an English Canadian Jamaican American journalist autor and public speaker who has been a staff writer for The New York since 1996. The book talks about things we should know before judging someone the way I understand it is a book about compassion and understanding people before taking actions.

Although the book have some boring chapters, It also have some good ones. It’s clear that the book want to be remembered so it is covered in very sensitive topics as lies, rape, drunken sex, police, Hitler and the Cold War and etc.

Talking to Stranger

What we should know about the people we don’t know.

A stranger is someone we only know in one dimension.

Reasons Why Meeting Strangers Go Wrong

  • Not Defaulting to True
  • Interpreting Signals (What is a happy face? What is a sad face? Life is not Friends)
  • We are bad lie detectors (We often try to believe someone)
  • Mismatching (Someone is nervous matching the stereotype. Confident people never lies)